Integrated Case Management System
Our Integrated Case Management System (ICMS) is a full featured caseload tracking and information management system. Incorporated within this system are modules which provide an avenue for intake, assessment, classification, referral, court data, probation violations, warrants, victim restitution, officer alerts, discharges, and much more. Used in conjunction with an Online-Testing account, the ICMS automates all key functions of probation’s supervisory responsibilities.
As you log into our system, you will find it is a robust and customizable single data entry system. It is a comprehensive caseload monitoring and information management system. A more detailed and comprehensive discussion is available on

Our Integrated Case Management System (ICMS) was designed by a Deputy Probation Administrator (retired) for use by probation departments. It is user friendly and supports accurate data entry.

Our Assessments
All assessments/tests offered at have evidence based reliability, validity, and accuracy. We believe in a specific assessment/test for a specific offender population. Assessments/tests are peer reviewed with research available at

ICMS Training
Support services and training are available at no cost (free) to our ICMS clients. Volume user clients ICMS training is available onsite when 15+ staff are involved. Both assessment/test and ICMS training are available free at our Phoenix office Thursdays and Fridays. Please call for reservations.

About Us
Professional Online Testing Solutions, Inc. (Online-Testing) is a subsidiary of Behavior Data Systems, Ltd. (BDS), an established psychological assessment instrument or assessment/test publisher. BDS developed ICMS and Online-Testing does the marketing.

BDS’s ICMS system is provided free to Online-Testing customers that use Online-Testing assessment instruments or assessments/tests on a regular basis. For specific cost information visit

Contact Us
To discuss use of this case management system or any of the available assessments/tests, you can contact us by telephone 1 (800) 231-2401. Ask for Sheryl.
We are also available by email at